Unit 6: Presentations
Presentation Topics:
1. Sciences: Issac Newton, Marie Curie, Max Plank, and Albert Eintien
2. Consciousness: Nietzsche and Freud
3. Social Darwinism and Racism
4. impressionism
5. Women's Right's in 1830
6. War Strategies
7. Triple Alliance/ Triple Entente
8. Home Front
9. Bolsheviks
1. Students will work in groups of 2 or 3 - no more than that.
2. Each student is responsible for a part of the visuals and will speak during the presentation.
3. There will be a group grade and an idividual grade on the following: content, visuals, and voice and body language
during the presentation - explained further in the rubric below.
4. Each group will be ready to present on the first day. If the group is not ready than points will be taken off each
day they aren't finished. After a week of being late or if they do not present at all the group will take a zero as a
Presentation Rubric
3 ~ two visuals
well put together
clear and neat to read
labeled pictures, etc.
2 ~ two visuals
sloppy but together
can read some of it, mostly illegible
labeled some pictures, etc.
1 ~ one visual
can't read it
no labels
0 ~ no visuals
appropriate and well researched
well organized
stays within the time limit
not organized
stays within the time limit but time is left over
some what accurate
not organized
tries to fill the time, too much time left
some what accurate
not organized
most of the time left
Voice and Body Language