Sample Lessons for unit 6
Lesson 1
Freud and the others
Objectives:Students will be able to:
1. read about, discuss, and explain the differences and similarities between the major scientists
of the time.
2. organize information about them in a graphic organizer to develop note taking skills.
~ handouts
~ three color pencils - no pens or markers
~ the text
Intsructional Sequence:
1. Students will wirte their Journal while attendence is being taken. Which person from the homework did
you find to be most successful? Why?
2. Briefly cover the Homework 6.1 and discuss the Journal.
3. Hand out graphic organizer - students will write down everything they know about each person.
4. I will write what they have on the board. Students will then get into their groups (three groups)
and will be given one person to find more about in the text.
5. Each group will send a person to the board to fill in the rest of the information.
6. Homework 6.3 for tomorrow
participation in class and group discussion and sharing ideas for theorganizer. Completion of Journal and
Lesson 9
European Map 1914
Objective: Students will be able to:
~ handouts
~ color pencils - no pens, no markers, and no crayons
Instructional Sequence:
1. Journal will be done while attendence is taken. Who was Archduke Franz Ferdinand? Why was he important?
2. Short Slide Show of notes on Nationalism, Militarism, and the Outbreak of War
3. hand out Map and label sheet - rest of the period given to doing the map.
4.breif discussion of the value of taking the time to create maps.
5. Homework read pages 458 - 62 andfinish the maps.
note taking and checked progress of the maps
Lesson 16
Instructional Sequence: